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✂️ Schema snippets

Below you'll find a collection of useful schema snippets. Use these as a starting point or inspiration when designing your next schema.


These snippets are meant as examples and are meant to be modified to fit your own data structure.

Map all source entity properties

A schema which dynamically maps all properties from your source entity to the view.

Site settings

A schema containing essential site settings, here Site name, Logo and Login page link.

SEO Composition

A schema for basic SEO settings, here meta title, meta description and meta robots (index/noindex and follow/nofollow).

This schema can be used in other schemas using the reference type as you can see in the code below.

How the SEO Composition schema will be used in another schema afterwards:

A schema for generating a breadcrumb navigation.

This schema can be used in other schemas using the reference type, as you can see in the code below.

How the Breadcrumb item schema will be used in another schema afterwards:

Category products

A schema for listing all the products related to a specific category.

Top 3 product reviews

A schema for listing the 3 highest-rated product reviews.