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Schema fields

triggersObjectYesThe source groups you want this schema to trigger on. A source group should contain one or more source entity types (array).

You can add as many source groups and source entity types as you wish.
propertiesObjectYesThe properties you want your schema to consist of. See properties types for supported types.
routeObjectNoDefines if you want this schema to be retrievable by a route. A route is not specifically an URL, but it can be.

The route property contains 2 different properties: url or handles.
actionsArrayNoActions are used when a new view has been generated from a schema. It defines which specific actions to take following the newly generated view. Currently, Enterspeed supports triggering the process of another schema.

The Array takes an object with the properties:
type (e.g. process)
alias (Alias of the schema to process)
originId (Optional. id of source to trigger)
source (Optional. Alias of destination source group)
destinationsArrayNoDestinations is used to push the generated views for a schema to a webhook, to Algolia or another third-party application.

The Array takes an object with the properties:
alias (e.g. webhook or Algolia)

The types of source entities you want this schema to trigger on.



Routing by URL

If you want your schema to be routable by an URL, you can specify the url as an expression. Like the example below:

/** @type {Enterspeed.FullSchema} */
export default {
triggers: function(context) {
context.triggers('cms', ['frontPage']);
routes: function(sourceEntity, context) {
properties: function (sourceEntity, context) {
return {};

You are not limited to using the built-in url property. You can also use properties defined by your source entity:

/** @type {Enterspeed.FullSchema} */
export default {
triggers: function(context) {
context.triggers('cms', ['frontPage']);
routes: function(sourceEntity, context) {
properties: function (sourceEntity, context) {
return {};

The URL must be a valid URL: either relative /about-us or absolute


If you use relative URL's, you must add a wildcard hostname. See more in Setting up domains

Routing by handles

If you don't want your schema to be routable by an URL but rather something more static, you can use a handle.

The handles is an array, so you can specify multiple handles per schema.

/** @type {Enterspeed.FullSchema} */
export default {
triggers: function(context) {
context.triggers('cms', ['frontPage']);
routes: function(sourceEntity, context) {
properties: function (sourceEntity, context) {
return {};

The handle supports expressions as described for url:

/** @type {Enterspeed.FullSchema} */
export default {
triggers: function(context) {
context.triggers('cms', ['frontPage']);
routes: function(sourceEntity, context) {
properties: function (sourceEntity, context) {
return {};
Handle response

The response of the handles differs in V1 and V2+ of the delivery API. The structure is the same, but V1 uses the schema alias as key for each handle whereas V2+ uses the handle name as key. This means that in V1, you can only request one handle per schema in order to not have a duplicate key, whereas in V2+, you can request multiple handles from the same schema.

Delivery API V1 uses the schema alias as key
// This example shows a response of a handle generated by a schema called
// front-page. Because of that, the handle key is front-page as well

"views": {
// The handle key is the schema alias
"front-page": {
"headline": "My headline"
Delivery API V2+ uses the handle name as key
// This example shows a response of two handles generated by the same
// schema called front-page. In V2+ the handle keys are the handle names

"views": {
// The handle key is the handle name
"front-page-da-dk": {
"headline": "My danish headline"
// The handle key is the handle name
"front-page-en-gb": {
"headline": "My english headline"


To give an example, you can use actions when you want to update a list in a new view that you have generated from other schemas.

For example, having a product and category source entity type. When you ingest a product, the list of products should be updated in the generated category view and include the changes. Consider the following examples where the ingest of product will both generate a new view for the product and trigger the process of the category schema to generate a new category view, including the updated product:


If you want to trigger actions across schemas, you must specify the source. The value of source is the alias of the destination source group.


Actions without originId are only supported on tenants with source groups and bulk deploy.

Schema with origin id
// This example will process a category schema where the
// id == categoryId. Schema is processed in the source group "cms".
/** @type {Enterspeed.FullSchema} */
export default {
triggers: function(context) {
context.triggers('cms', ['product']);
actions: function(sourceEntity, context) {
properties: function (sourceEntity, context) {
return {


To give an example, you can use destinations when you want to send views for, e.g. all content pages or all products to a third-party system for searching.

Schema with destinations
// This example will send all generated views by this schema to the webhook.
/** @type {Enterspeed.FullSchema} */
export default {
triggers: function(context) {
context.triggers('cms', ['product']);
actions: function(sourceEntity, context) {
properties: function (sourceEntity, context) {
return {